What is seo website silo architecture?

The silo structure in SEO is a type of website architecture in which content on a specific topic is grouped, isolated and interlinked. This creates clean and distinct sections of related content on your website. You can see that each silo consists of a main silo page and related content, all of which are interconnected. A silo structure for SEO requires a main page on a specific topic and secondary pages that have content related to the topic.

With respect to blogs, isolation is the process of organizing related information on your site as a whole. This silo structure is often traced before a website is launched. A silo structure is a type of website architecture in which content is logically organized. It is composed of hierarchical groupings that include topics and sub-topics.

In other words, you can think of it as creating categories and subcategories for your site and writing relevant content for them. In a case study conducted by Moz, they found that Google evaluates the quality of a silo within a website and ranks pages within that silo accordingly. As you can see in the screenshot above, it's very easy to find ideas for silo pages by browsing popular websites and forums in your niche. Contrary to popular opinion in the web marketing industries, content silos don't make it easy to find website content.

The silo structure addresses this problem, since the relevant posts on a silo page will be interconnected and each post you create will be on a relevant silo page. As you link posts from the silo pages, the link flow will flow throughout the silo structure within the topic. Before implementing a silo on your site, it's very important to create a mind map or at least an outline of the silo structure you want to present. A powerful way to create clarity and ease of navigation is to create a silo structure for your website and blog.

Contrary to popular opinion in the SEO industry, content silos DO NOT make it easy to find website content. While implementing a silo structure can be a challenge, it will help search engines to better crawl, index and rank your website. I suggest that you use breadcrumbs when using silos to give Google a better understanding of the structure of silos. Since you'll create most of the backlinks to the silo pages and continue to flow down the secondary pages, segmenting a high-volume keyword is very essential for silo pages.

Organizing a website in a siloed structure can be a daunting task, especially for companies that offer many services or products, serve multiple industries, have multiple locations, or even blog posts. Having a silo structure will guide users and search engines throughout your website in a clear and understandable way. Content silos make content more difficult (or impossible) to locate and discover on websites and intranets. However, SEO experts know that wayfinder pages are not “magic solutions” to solve a website's poor information architecture.

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