What does silo mean in seo?

The silo structure in SEO is a type of website architecture in which content on a specific topic is grouped, isolated and interlinked. This creates clean and distinct sections of related content on your website. The term isolation originated as a way of identifying the concept of grouping related information into different sections within a website. Like a chapter in a book, a silo represents a group of thematic or thematic content specific to your site.

A silo is an excellent image for grouping pages and improving SEO. Just as silos in a group of farms work separately, maintaining their integrity and value, isolating a website improves website optimization around a topic. Silo storage in SEO is the concept of grouping website content by topic, which helps optimize ranking in search engines such as Google. Content is grouped by topic and sub-topic in vertical silos (or folders), making it easier for search engines to understand which web pages cover specific topics.

This solves the problem of possible duplicate content and, at the same time, places content higher in the website architecture, providing greater authority. In addition, many SEOs agree that having a page closer to the root domain or home page can increase authority. Including the specific keyword or latent semantic indexing keywords in the URL can increase that momentum. Technical SEO should never be neglected.

Creating a content silo is an effective way to keep material organized, as it helps both readers to interact with your site and Google to understand your authority and experience. Silos facilitate site organization with deep structures and a clear content hierarchy. Brands that want to get genuine results from their content production efforts must work on developing strong silos to maximize the effectiveness of their efforts. Content silos use subtopics or subcategories as part of the website structure to group content based on keywords and relevant topics.

To take advantage of isolation without sinking pages too much into silos for users to find or for robots to crawl, use a surface isolation technique to place siloed pages directly below landing pages that are close to the home page. Creating thematic silos throughout a website is a way to clearly communicate the relevant topics of a site to search engines and human users. I suggest that you use breadcrumbs when using silos to give Google a better understanding of the structure of silos. Since you'll create most of the backlinks to the silo pages and continue to flow down the secondary pages, segmenting a high-volume keyword is very essential for silo pages.

For example, a page at the bottom level of the silo, “Hairbrush”, can direct readers to the top of the silo for “curling irons”, when talking about using a curling brush. The main risk of using content silos is making it difficult for readers and bots to find pages within the content of your website. Basically, when you create a silo structure, you're grouping related and relevant content into different sections of your website. Similarly, a site that blocks its silo architecture in a hierarchical way prevents users from navigating between silos.

Silos have tremendous advantages for SEO, but if you're not going to create links between pages in different silos, you should absolutely make sure that your website is easy to navigate. The navigation on the left (Figure 1) is a perfect example of how to outline the secondary elements of the silo on the home pages of the main silo. With so many resources dedicated to establishing silos in a site, it's so important to maintain these silos as competitive research and additional content continue to shape the site. Isolating content within silos in such a way that it's hard to find, can negate the benefits of using silos and make your pages harder, not easier, to find.


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